Credit Counseling

If you are struggling to pay your bills, getting notices from debt collectors, consistently making late payments, or are simply overcome by your debt situation – you’re not alone.

Trinity Debt Management Services

Credit Counseling

If you are struggling to pay your bills, getting notices from debt collectors, consistently making late payments, or are simply overcome by your debt situation – you’re not alone. Whether the crisis is caused by personal or family illness, the loss of a job, or overspending, it can be overwhelming.
A plan to manage debt is a great strategy that helps repay or otherwise handle debt obligations. This plan of action mutually benefits both the debtor and creditor. Plans may involve negotiating better terms or working with creditors to restructure debt repayments. Loan options or consolidation may also be looked at. Strategies for eliminating debt or accelerating repayment may be used as well.

Know Your Options

Primary Forms of Debt Assistance

Debt Management

Trinity offers this assistance! If you qualify as a member of our Debt Management Program, Trinity will make arrangements to pay back your creditors in full. We work with unsecured debt to establish one regular monthly payment to pay balances down. Debts are combined into one convenient monthly payment. Interest rates are lowered. Collection calls as well as late and over-the-limit fees are eliminated. Debts are paid in full within 3-5 years.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation occurs by taking multiple, high interest, unsecured debts and combining them into one. The advantage of the loan is lower interest rates and the convenience of making one payment rather than many. The term on the larger loan is often longer, which helps lower the monthly payment. Many loan companies offer consolidations as quick-fixes for debt problems but don’t really address how the debt came to be in the first place.

Debt Settlement

This is when a creditor has agreed to accept as full payment, less than the amount you owe on unsecured debts that are not attached to assets like a home or automobile. Unsecured debts could include medical bills or credit cards- not student loans or mortgages. In order to work with the creditor, you’ll need a lump sum of cash to pay the reduced balance in full or you’ll be set up on a payment plan. Debt settlement should be used as a last resort.


Bankruptcy is a legal process involving someone who’s unable to repay outstanding debts in-full. Bankruptcy doesn’t include all debt. Spousal and child support commitments aren’t eligible, as well as student loans or tax debt. Bankruptcy does allow a fresh start for the consumer while also providing creditors an opportunity to obtain some sort of repayment. Bankruptcy should be used as a last-ditch effort, even if you’re immersed in debt.

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