Closing the Deal

Congratulations! You’re ready to sign the papers to your new home and the loan that you will use to pay for it.


Closing the Deal

Congratulations! You’re ready to sign the papers to your new home and the loan that you will use to pay for it.

It’s also time for your final walkthrough. Make sure everything that you and the seller agreed would be repaired has been repaired, and anything the seller agreed to leave in the house is in place. If it isn’t, contact the seller immediately to discuss.

If this is your first time buying a home, or you’re nervous about it for any reason, bring along a trusted advisor to the closing.

Take Your Time

There are many documents involved in a real estate closing. Many are required by the lender, and some are required by state and federal law. Regardless of who requires a document, you have the right to take your time and review them all. Make sure the information on the closing documents is exactly what you’re expecting.

Sometimes things change a little bit in the last few days before closing

For example, if the seller hasn’t fixed something they agreed to fix, there may be a change.

A mortgage loan is a big financial commitment, and you have a right to understand what you’re signing up for. Don’t sign a document until you’re comfortable with what it says.
You can always walk away at closing if you are not comfortable with the transaction. You may lose any deposit that you gave the seller, and there may be other consequences from breaking your purchase contract. You may also lose any application or appraisal fees you gave the lender. Know what your contract says and what your choices are before you walk into the closing.
If there are significant differences between the paperwork you reviewed in advance, and the paperwork you see at the closing table, don’t sign anything until you are comfortable with the transaction.
Ask questions. The best time to fix things is before all the documents are signed. Once everything is signed, if you discover anything that isn’t what you expected, you might have to hire an attorney to try to resolve the issue.
If the papers don’t reflect what you were told about the loan, that is a big danger sign.

Save and file your documents

Your mortgage is a big financial commitment. Keep your documents so you can refer to them as needed.

Save all of your final loan and purchase documents in a safe place

Save the whole stack or electronic file. Double-check to make sure you have these four key documents:

Your Closing Disclosure can help you with your finances in the future

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